Ren Hang’s work defies the conventions of both life and photography in a way that feels more like an existential plunge into the unknown. Ren Hang by Peter Coeln (b.1954, Austria), published a decade after the artist’s "Wild" photobook, presents a raw and hauntingly...

The ongoing period from 1 July 2023 - 1 July 2024, is an important one for Dutch history since it marks 160 years since slavery was officially abolished in Suriname and the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and 150 years since forced...

Art or porn? A question that I often get asked (probably because I curated a magazine with erotic photography), as if I was some live porn detector. Who the hell knows?! I didn't make the definitions or categories so to me they don't matter. Nudity...

Sometimes, I forget how much of a privilege we have working as artists in democratic societies where art doesn’t face (as much) censorship as in different political systems. This thought especially came to my mind when I got in touch with Li Ye Zeng Yi...

Autobiography — a perspective that you cannot take away from somebody, it's simply theirs. However, what happens when somebody else interprets our life and vision? One of the standouts among photographers from the second half of the twentieth century is certainly Libuše Jarcovjáková. Her striking...

In the past years, we have witnessed the rise of Chinese contemporary photography, particularly, on the European market. We can see the increasing presence of such artists in galleries and fairs. What is this sudden fascination among European audiences? Is it our surprise to see...

When it comes to parenthood, we often hear about maternal instincts, yet it is relatively rare to hear about paternal ones. Apart from the immediate gut sentiments that revolve around the protection and nurturing of a new human that is suddenly forever entangled with us,...

Family secrets, our unwanted skeletons in the closet, can resurface and haunt us back in shocking intensity for years. They are these phantoms sitting on our shoulders and whispering spells into our ears. After experiencing such a phenomenon himself, Peter Pflügler decided to transform his...

What is it with our obsession with money, with going constantly forward? In the current late stage of capitalism, we consume excessively with the thought of pleasure, that we will be dead before having to face the consequences of our actions. This ignorant blindness has...

Raw, bold, and aesthetic. Those were the words that came to my mind when I encountered Jonny's images. I felt that some of his photographs have this immense stopping power, and precisely because of that, I chose one of his images for the cover of...