Support the crowdfunding to print XXX Issue 1
Discarded XXX

Discarded Magazine  is an online magazine focused on contemporary photography, investigating the nature of discarding photographs. In 2021, Discarded has launched a new section – XXX – dedicated to a new vision of contemporary erotic photography. It is curated by photographer and writer Linda Zhengová. This new section was first launched as an open call from which an online exhibition was created.

Due to the high amount of quality submissions and positive responses from the audience, we decided to turn XXX into a unique bi-annual print magazine. We strongly believe that erotic imagery surrounding the themes of desires, sexuality, and photography in general, needs to be showcased to the public in order to strip it of the taboo it has for so long carried. With XXX printed magazine, we hope to provide you with an intensive and liberating aesthetic experience regardless of where you are located.

However, for XXX to become materialized, we really need your help as starting a printed magazine from scratch requires a lot of resources which for an independent magazine is impossible to get on our own. By contributing to this campaign, you help us with the printing and distribution process alongside the launch of future issues. 

We hope that you can support this project by choosing from the variety of rewards we offer. 

Enjoy this erotica journey and discover the secret artists’ drawers with us!