Samsara Alvin Ng Stories About the Project Samsara is a visual reflection of my relationship with the balance of the world and its natural elements. First started in 2018 on a trip to the pyres of Varanasi, the work began in earnest in Singapore in 2020 at the time...

Federica Danzi: Focus on Basilicata (Part 1)A fantastic reality: memories, dreams and future vision of BasilicataShhh: Southern high hidden historiesAlessia RolloREAD ITALIAN VERSION More about the artist:IG:  @federica.danziWeb: federicadanzi.comFederica Danzi, born in 1987, lives in Matera and is a special ed teacher. In her free time he...

How do we interpret a family album that has been taken into a new context as a photobook? That is a concern of Takashi Yatoo’s debut monograph Palam which juxtaposes photographs taken over a period of 25 years, combining both newly created imagery with photographs...

Born from salt Viviana Bonura Stories About the Project Born from salt is a one-voice dialogue in which the author stages attempts at reconstructing oneself through the decomposition of one’s own overstructures. It is the inner journey in search of a way of being human without external framings which...

The Bliss of Girlhood Kristina Rozhkova Stories About the Project For some reason, as a society we sanctify “youth”. You may say that this project for me is an attempt to do the same.  Each one of my heroines is for me, a goddess each one of their gestures...

Maria Serra Discarded Bio Maria Serra is a poet and a photographer. She studied photography and architecture. In 2018 she published her first book "Nei grovigli dell'incerto" by Lebeg Edizioni, a collection of poetic texts and artistic photos. She has participated in a group exhibitions and in 2019 she...

Grace Martella: Bodies in the wind: adolescence and gender identity in the SoutheastShhh: Southern high hidden historiesAlessia Rollo ITALIAN VERSION More about the artist:IG: @grace_martella Grace Martella was born in 2006 in southern Italy, in the province of Lecce. In 2018 they start using photography to know more...

Claudia Amatruda: When you hear hoofbeats think horses, not zebra Shhh: Southern high hidden histories Alessia Rollo READ ITALIAN VERSION  More about the artist: Web: Claudia Amatruda IG: @claudiamatruda A female body hangs from the shoulders of a man who is walking towards a green spot. The gaze of the young bespectacled woman catches...