Lucky All the Time

Marissa Patrice Leitman


About the Project

Lucky All the Time was shot over the last seven years, through young loves, first deaths, trips to LA the Ghost Ship fire, the election, from San Francisco and ending in Berlin.
I use these photos to track the network of people who comprise a sort of makeshift family. I consider myself an obsessive person. I make a lot of lists, horde mementos, repeat myself often; I’m quick to make idols even quicker to try and turn someone into a friend.
In that way ‘Lucky all the Time’ is a kind of list, my own way of keeping score. Of people, places, attractions, things that cannot and won’t last forever. I’m drawn to people who throw themselves at life: people who don’t know when the performance starts and stops.
In every city, I look for people who feel like total individuals, who have a zealous sense of how they want to be in the world; who are equal parts vulnerable as independent, who read luck like a currency.

